As the production coordinator, I was continually working on developing & improving the processes to help improve productivity, follow of information, organization, and improve communication between the accounts team and the media/creative team.
The largest of these was to develop a creative brief template for the live events using Google Drive & its ancillary programs. This allowed us to maintain one centralized, and cloud-based location for all information regarding the event. The Google Doc was used as the primary resource containing the most pertinent information in regard to the brief. However, if there was more detailed information or the original file needed for a photo or document, it could be found in a corresponding folder, which could be reached through Google Drive or links within the primary Google Doc.
Additionally, I helped to establish the use of a sample brief for clients to view. These sample briefs were primarily to show sample ideas, concepts, and the likes for videos, graphics, and other visual-based content that it would be beneficial for the client to see, whether printed out or on a digital screen.
I have also handled the ongoing expansion and development of digital content storage solutions. This includes server expansion & maintenance, briefing superiors on digital content storage solutions, & providing my recommendations.
Finally, some of the changes I'm most proud of are the simplest, such as reorganizing the creative suite, lobbying for & setting up new surge & battery backup systems, creating a Creative Department binder with general information on our processes, & gathering, labeling, & organizing our pieces of technology so that they can be easily found & accessed.